Deceased Classmate: Dennis, Carey
Date Of Birth: April-10-1944
Date Deceased: April-12-2015
Age at Death: 71
Cause of Death: Brain Cancer
Classmate City: Hyannis Port
Classmate State: MA
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By: Wife= Jeanne Carey Daughters- Melissa Edelmann, Jami White 4 grandchildren Brother Monte Carey
Dennis moved to MA in the early 1970's. He opened his real estate business Harvard Realty and continued to work until he became ill in early Feb. He was so happy to renew friendships with his Thorntown classmates and had looked forward to seeing them again.
Sandra Witte (Taylor) (1962)
Rest in Peace!
Lebanon High School 1, 2; Cheerleader 4; EXODE Staff 4.